A hygrometer measures humidity which is the amount of water vapor in the air. This is an important nautical weather instrument because it is a good indicator for the type of weather you can expect whether it be fog, rain or clear skies. Our collection of hygrometers are functional decorative pieces that look good in the office or aboard your yacht.
Nightwatch Baro-Therm -Hygro Combination Seaworthy and classical in style, this Weems and Plath instrument can be mounted to your to the wall in your boat, home or office. Fully adjustable aneroid barometer movement with inch and millibar scales. Calibrated for altitudes to 1,500 degrees above sea level. Thermometer and hygrometer are pre-adjusted in a temperature-controlled environment. Weight 5.2 oz (159 g).
$179.99 $144.99

Captains Style Hygrometer This 4.5 inch diameter brass captains style hygrometer will not only tell you the current humidity level, it will also add a handsome piece of nautical decor to any room of your house or yacht.

Porthole Style Hygrometer This 5.5 inch diameter brass porthole style hygrometer is a functional and decorative nautical instrument. Place on the wall of any room of your house or aboard your yacht and the weather will never surprise you.