Wood Pilings
Add some rustic charm to your yard, spruce up your garden or place these picturesque pilings in strategic spots throughout your house to create a refreshing, innovative style statement.
Polystone Stump This 17 inchH piling stump looks so real you would never know it is made from lightweight polystone. A great prop for banquets and nautical themed events.

Wooden Stump Set These wood pilings measure 30 inches. Get a couple of pelicans or seagulls and wa-la! You no longer have to pay for a trip to the beach. Just sit back in your living room, put a conch shell to your ear and relax!

Nautical Wood Pier Piling Wood pilings are a classic way to create a rustic, seaside feel at any type of nautical themed occasion. Each piling, containing three cedar wood poles of various heights, and the rope that binds them have been carefully weathered for an authentic look.