This collection of top quality steel craft is worthy of an adventure on the high seas! Faithfully reproduced from sword designs of the period when the King's navy battled with pirates and privateers.
Pirate Sword Hanger One size fits all. This classic pirate sword hanger was used by pirates during the 17 and 1800s. Features include 3 inch adjustable leather strap with polished metal buckle. The extra large frog (opening) will hold almost any size sword.

Pirate Cutlass Features include a brass full bowl guard, pommel and wood handle. 23.5" curved carbon steel blade fits into leather scabbard with brass furniture. Length: 30.5 inches. Weight: 2.4 lbs.

French Marine Cutlass This classic pirate cutlass features a 26.5 inch slightly curved antiqued steel blade and a black steel bowl hilt. Black leather scabbard has brass fittings. Overall length: 35.5" Weight: 4 lbs.

Pirate Pistol This rugged flintlock features wood stock adorned with skull & cross bones and steel finish barrel. Length: 13 x 5. Weight 1.5 lbs. Non-Firing.

Italian Brescia Percussion Dueling Flintlock Pistol 1825 The Italian (Brescia) 1825 percussion Dueling Pistol is a handsome testament to bygone days when men defended their honor by dueling. This replica gun features a detailed simulated brass engraved barrel and furniture. Non firing replica gun. Measures 15" L and weighs 1.5 lbs.

Brass Flintlock Pistol This Brass Flintlock Pistol featured a unique three-barrel design made by Lorenzoni circa 1680 and carried the Medici Arms seal. This replica gun has simulated engraved ivory grips and engraved simulated brass furniture that complete this elaborate and unique piece. Measures 11.5" long and weighs 2 lbs.

Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol Manufactured in 1806 in Sain Etienne by Gribeauval, the original of this Deluxe Barrel Flintlock Pistol replica gun was held in Napolean's private collection. Measures 14" long and weighs 2.5 lbs.

Pirate Pistol Gray Circa 1800s distinctive blunderbuss pistol features heavily decorative engraved barrel, lock, and pirates head butt cap. Antique gray. Length: 15 inches, Weight 1.5 lbs.

PiratePistol Brass Circa 1800s distinctive blunderbuss pistol features heavily decorative engraved barrel, lock, and pirates head butt cap. Brass finish. Length: 15 inches, Weight 1.5 lbs.

German 18th Century Flintlock Pistol This German 18th Century Flintlock Pistol is a handsome piece and features an elaborate engraved barrel and butt cap featuring the mask of a sea dog with lanyard ring. Measures 16.5" long and weighs 2 lbs.

Pirate Blunderbuss Antique Gray This is a massive boarding blunderbuss, measuring 26" in length. It's wide and intimidating barrel, loaded with nails, glass, shot, rocks, or antyhing else a pirate could get his hands on, would have a broad reach at close quarters. This replica blunderbuss features a flintlock mechanism and full wood stock and comes in either a brass or antique finish. Measures 26" long and weighs 3 lbs.

Pirate Blunderbuss Brass Finish This is a massive boarding blunderbuss, measuring 26" in length. It's wide and intimidating barrel, loaded with nails, glass, shot, rocks, or anything else a pirate could get his hands on, would have a broad reach at close quarters. This replica blunderbuss features a flintlock mechanism and full wood stock and comes in either a brass or antique finish. Measures 26" long and weighs 3 lbs

French Flintlock Dagger-Pistol This Flintlock pistol was known as a combination piece and was mounted on a 15" dagger. This replica gun features a wooden handle, simulated brass shell guard, handle, and pommel. Meaures 19" long and weighs 1 lb.

French Cutlass with Scabbard This French Boarding Cutlass is similar to the U.S. Marine cutlass. This Napoleonic era cutlass was used by Pirates roaming the Spanish Main and features a curved metal blade, simulated brass handle, and leather scabbard with brass fittings. Length: 29.5 inches. Weight: 3.2 lbs.

Classic Pirate Cutlass Large Decorator model features a galleon engraved on the sima, brass, full bowl hand guard and skull crossed sabers and crossed flintlocks embossed on the scabbard, 22.5 inches curved blade with 3/4 inch blood grove. Length: 30.5 inches, Weight: 3.25lbs. GOLD FINISH.

Classic Pirate Cutlass Decorator model features a galleon engraved on the sima, brass, full bowl hand guard and skull crossed sabers and crossed flintlocks embossed on the scabbard, 22.5 inches curved blade with 3/4 inch blood grove. Length: 30.5 inches, Weight: 3.25lbs. SILVER FINISH.

Pirate Dagger This cup hilt daggar has a 'S' shaped handguard and is engraved with pirate-themed skull and crossbones with crossed sabres. Measures 17" long, blade measures 12", weighs 1.5 lbs.

Flintlock Blunderbuss This 18th century model was an effective highway or boarding piece. The Blunderbuss was commonly used on British, French, and American warships to repel would-be boarders. They could be loaded with shot, nails, glass, or any other material with the potential of causing severe harm to the target. They were primarily used as a defensive measure in close quarters. This replica gun is a classic design complete with simulated wood finish. Length: 19 inches. Weight: 1lb.

French Flintlock Dagger Pistol This 18th century flintlock dagger pistol features a simulated ivory handle. The handguard, pommel and barrel of this replica gun all have a simulated brass finish. This is a fine decorator replica model. Length 14.5 inches. Weight 1lb.

Belgian Silver Engraved Flintlock This handsome 18th Century piece of Belgian design has an engraved simulate ivory stock, engraved gune metal barrel and butt plate and serves as a unique and attractive decorative replica. Measures 11.75" long and weighs 2.5 lbs.

India Flintlock Pistol This classic, engraved Flintlock from Lucknow, India features an 8" engraved barrel in steel finish. This replica gun has engraved fittings and a resin, simulated wood stock. Measures 13.25" long and weighs 1.7 lbs.

Early German Flintlock Pistol This 17th century flintlock pistol features a snaphaunce lock, resin wood stock, and simulated brass furniture. Length: 11 inches. Weight: 1.2 lbs.

Three Barrel Revolving Flintlock Pistol This elaborate flintlock pistol features a simulated ivory handle with an eagle on the head butt. The three engraved barrels of this replica gun revolve allowing for a high rate of fire for the era. This is an attractive decorator model. Length: 11.75 inches. Weight: 2.5 lbs.

Hunting Flintlock Dagger Pistol with Wood Grips This Hunting Flintlock Dagger Pistol features and 11.5" blade, resin grips, and flintlock firing system. This replica gun is a great decorator accent piece. Overall length: 16.5 inches. Weight: 1.7 lbs.

Naval Flintlock Dagger Pistol with Wood Grips This Naval Flintlock Dagger Pistol features an 11" embossed blade, wood grips, and Flintlock firing system. This replica gun is a great decorate or theatrical accent piece. Overall length: 16.5 inches. Weight 1.7 lbs.

Classic Pirate Cutlass without Scabbard This short sword with an overall length of 32 inches was the swashbucklers favorite. The 26.5 inch blade is forged on carbon steel, with a 3/4 length of blood grove and measures 1 3/4 inch at its widest. The handguard is a single piece of steel that flares out to over 4 inches with 55 inch stained hardwood handle. Weight is 2.3 lbs.