The harpoon was known to the crews of whaling vessels as the "whale iron." They were used in the early days to fasten the whale to the whaleboat, rather than to kill it. Whaleships in the mid- nineteenth century generally used 150-200 harpoons during a four year voyage. The harpoon was a forged iron head attached to a hardwood shaft five to seven feet long.
Steel Tipped Harpoon Decorate your home or bar with this authentic style steel tipped whaling harpoon. Measuring 5' in length it is based on 18th century style wood harpoons. Features a detailed and distressed solid wood frame and metal rod spear.

Steel Spade Harpoon Add some rustic nautical charm to your home or bar with this authentic style steel spade whaling harpoon. Measuring 5' in length it is based on 18th century style wood harpoons. Features a detailed and distressed solid wood frame and metal rod spade.

Double Fluke Harpoon Add some rustic nautical charm to your home or bar with this authentic style double fluke whaling harpoon. Measuring 5' in length it is based on 18th century style wood harpoons. Features a detailed and distressed solid wood frame and metal rod double fluke.